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Before you begin, we recommend that you take a look at our sample data. It will make it easier to understand the setup instructions below.

Instructions for Standard Image NFTs

  1. Create each attribute image layer with a transparent background.
    1. Images should be exported in PNG file type
    2. We recommend square-sized images as they will look best in wallets and on exchanges. However, any image dimensions will work.
    3. Images should be greater than 20KB and less than 3MB. We do not recommend images larger than 3MB as they will load slowly in user’s wallets.
  2. Within each trait folder, provide the image attribute layers with the attribute names (e.g. Solid Lower.png, Striped Lower.png, etc.).
  3. Trait folders should be named according to your desired metadata setup (e.g. Background, Upper Background, Lower Background, etc.).
  4. Make sure each trait can layer in any random combination in a certain order without flaw.

Once you’re image are done, you are all ready to being the art generation process:

Art Generation & Metadata Setup