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To begin, click on Edit and select Mint Details and turn on Accept SPL Token instead of SOL


SPL Token and Token Account**:**

Note: Make sure your treasury wallet contains the SPL Token and follow the instruction from the treasury wallet itself.

For this field of the setting, you’ll be inputting the SPL Token Address and the SPL Token Account. This can be found via viewing the token that is in your treasury wallet on any Solana network explorer.

1. Click on the SPL Token in your treasury wallet and select View on Solscan


2. Once directed to Solscan, you’ll be able to identify the SPL Token address via looking at the Overview section


3. The SPL Token Account will be located at the top above the Overview section


To confirm that you have the correct SPL Token Account, head over to Solscan and identify that the owner of that SPL Token Account is your treasury wallet.


You can now input the Public Sale Price in SPL Token amount and update the mint settings.